Distinguished Anyways

Show / Dance / Theater La Ribot’s distinguished Pieces project continues to grow and reveal new poetic profiles of this unique accumulation of scenic actions that began in 1993 and is still active today. The new distinguished Pieces have been created in Rome as a response to the invitation from the Royal Spanish Academy. For […]

Show / Dance / Theater

La Ribot’s distinguished Pieces project continues to grow and reveal new poetic profiles of this unique accumulation of scenic actions that began in 1993 and is still active today.

The new distinguished Pieces have been created in Rome as a response to the invitation from the Royal Spanish Academy. For the first time, La Ribot offers a series of distinguished Pieces that spring from the dialogue with a specific place. If previously the artist presented the distinguished Pieces in theatres or museums, on this occasion, she works with architecture, history and even astronomy to create an ephemeral representation space that will occupy and transform such a peculiar place as the Royal Spanish Academy in Rome.

Founded in 1873, the Royal Spanish Academy has been the home in Rome for a great number of Spanish artists who, year after year since then, have come to the city to learn and to let the wonders that are preserved in it transform and fertilize both their artistic projects and their gaze. Situated in the former Franciscan Convent of San Pietro in Montorio, a privileged spot on the Giannicolo hill, its studies and cloisters, its gardens, its two towers and the magnificent San Pietro Tempietto designed by Donato Bramante, have witnessed the lives of a multitude of artists whose works, gazes and experiences have been accumulating generation after generation in the Academy. Thus, La Ribot, with Distinguished Anyways, joins this long, fertile line of artists who have found in Rome a source of inspiration for their creations.

Distinguished Anyways offers a dialogue with the specific moment in which the new distinguished Pieces were presented on 19, 20 and 21 June 2021. Like the ancient obelisks that populate the city, like the Pantheon and some of the works by Borromini, the new distinguished Pieces play with the sun’s movement and with the cyclical experience of nightfall and dawn. Outside of the theatre, outside of the museum, it seems inevitable to look at the sky and follow its rhythms and changes. On this occasion, the specific position of the sun in the sky and its unstoppable movement create the dramaturgy.

Distinguished Anyways takes place without electricity, during sunset, with the Roman soundscape, its birds, bells and cars… Just as in Pièce distinguée Nº45 (2016), which also serves as starting point and origin for the new pieces, in Distinguished Anyways liquid paint is spilled over the bodies, staining them irremediably. Here colour becomes sticky material that marks, signals and distinguishes the gaze that artists have proposed over the centuries, manipulating and using bodies.

What rules in the new distinguished Pieces is the sunlight which, at sundown, gradually extinguishes the colours, turning them into pure shadows, freeing the bodies from their imposed frames and limits. Thanks to the night, the possibility of the other appears.


Direction and concept: La Ribot Dance and choreography created with: Piera Bellato, Martin Gil, Mathilde Invernon, Juan Loriente, La Ribot, Thami Manekhela Text based on Vitruvius treatise De Architectura Dramaturge: Jaime Conde Costume design: La Ribot Props and costumes making: Coralie Chauvin Technical assistant: Patricio Gil Flood Executive Producers: Aude Martino and Paz Santa Caecilia Technical Manager: Marie Predour Administrator: Gonzague Bochud Project photographer: Christian Lutz

Curated by: Estrella de Diego

Distinguished Anyways 2021 is a project by La Ribot for Royal Spanish Academy in Rome and Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) with the collaboration of Instituto Svizzero

