Emerging in 2001, in Madeira Island (Portugal), Dançando com a Diferença has stood out at national and international level over the course of its 18 years of activity. Throughout its existence it developed actions for the promotion, application and dissemination of the concept of Inclusive Dance. Under the Artistic Direction of Henrique Amoedo, creator of this concept in an academic environment through his master's dissertation in the year 2002, the group has been a pioneer on the Portuguese stages, playing a significant role at European level in what concerns to the inclusion of people with and without deficiency in the artistic medium, presenting to the public projects of great quality, recognized by the public and specialized critics. Today Dançando com a Diferença is undoubtedly internationally acclaimed as one of the groups that have contributed the most for the recognition of the aesthetic and artistic abilities of companies that have in their cast people with and without disabilities. In the repertoire of Dançando com a Diferença there are 21 creations of different choreographers, among them we can find the most important contemporary creators such as, Paulo Ribeiro, Rui Horta, Clara Andermatt, Rui Lopes Graça, Tânia Carvalho and La Ribot. Sixty cities and twenty-five countries from Europe to America have had the opportunity to receive the performances, workshops, conferences and/or other actions, within the scope of the Inclusive Dance promoted by Dançando com a Diferença. Innovation and dareness, among many others, are characteristic of Contemporary Art, and consequently are present in the project of this group. The Dançando com a Diferença currently represents a strong and renowned brand in the national and international panorama thanks to the diffusion of a cultural and innovative project that takes on a different aesthetic and artistic beauty and excellence. Never acting and working in an unfounded and inconsequential way, the genesis of this group is the affirmation of a position that seeks to contribute to the modification of the social image of people with disabilities, combining this condition to the performing arts and presenting to the public as to confront it with this reality. We dance with the body, not despite the body...
After living in Madrid and London, La Ribot moved to Switzerland in 2004, where she founded her company. The company is made up of six to ten members, including many guest artists from around the world, depending on projects, and a technical and administrative team. In October 2021, in the wake of the pandemic, La Ribot Ensemble was born. This new company model is based on the desire to invest in people and relationships and to support the younger generation of Swiss artists.
Four young performers with training in French-speaking Switzerland - Piera Bellato, Mathilde Invernon, Lisa Laurent and Ludovico Paladini - joined La Ribot to accompany her in her creations and to perform in her earlier works. The production office, formed by Aude Martino and Iris Obadia, has been strengthened, and the core of the company is now based in Geneva.
Many other artists and recurring collaborators gravitate around this core, including performers Juan Loriente, Thami Manekehla, Olivia Csiky Trnka, Delphine Rosay, Fernando de Miguel, the inclusive dance company Dançando com a Diferença, Galeria Max Estrella in Madrid, Sandra Recio, visual arts manager for La Ribot Ensemble, Asier Puga and the Zaragoza Auditorium chamber orchestra Grupo Enigma, and many others...