Premiere 21st August - 13th September in the framework of the exhibiton Dance First Think Later by Arta Sperto in BAC - Bâtiment d'art contemporain – Geneva, Switzerland.
Pièce distinguée N°54. Choregraphed and Directed: La Ribot. Original Music : Fernando de Miguel. Dancers: Piera Bellato, Mathilde Invernon and Thami Manekehla. Technicians: Marie Prédour and Guillaume Defontaine. Costumes: La Ribot. Costume making: Julie Delieutraz.
Production: La Ribot - Genève. Executive producer : Paz Santa Cecilia Production and communication: Sara Cenzual. Administration: Gonzague Bochud. Technical director: Marie Prédour. With the support of Ernst Göhner Stiftung and the Fonds Mécénat SIG. La Ribot is supported by Ville de Genève, République et canton de Genève and Pro Helvetia - Swiss Arts Council.