El Triunfo de La Libertad

Theatre The theatre presentation El Triunfo de La Libertad is a collaboration between La Ribot, choreographer Juan Domínguez and actor Juan Loriente, artists whose connection dates back to Madrid in the 1980s. The fruit of intensive experimentation and rigorous revision, El Triunfo de La Libertad eventually took on an unexpectedly minimal means of presentation and, […]


The theatre presentation El Triunfo de La Libertad is a collaboration between La Ribot, choreographer Juan Domínguez and actor Juan Loriente, artists whose connection dates back to Madrid in the 1980s.
The fruit of intensive experimentation and rigorous revision, El Triunfo de La Libertad eventually took on an unexpectedly minimal means of presentation and, after its premiere at the 2014 La Bâtie Festival in Geneva, it prompted (and continues to prompt) much discussion.

Lasting approximately an hour, the work draws audiences into a complex network of narrative, historical anecdote, poetic fragments and quotation. Themes emerge; among them, historical repetition, yearning for freedom and Utopian reverie, bodily desire, the role of the spectator, and the pleasures and distractions of reading. An embodiment of the “open work” as diagnosed by Umberto Eco, El Triunfo de La Libertad has been characterized as an invitation to its audiences to reformulate their desires and preconceptions regarding the theatre – and in doing so, to explore and test the liberty of their own imagination.



Premier August 29 2014 at La Bâtie Festival of Geneva, Switzerland. A stage piece, written and directed by La Ribot, Juan Domínguez and Juan Loriente. Stage design: La Ribot, Juan Domínguez and Juan Loriente. Light Designer: Eric Wurtz. Assistant production and direction: Tamara Alegre. Led construction: Victor Roy. Led programming: Estrella Merino. Technical director: Marie Predour. Administration: Gonzague Bochud. Special Thanks: Yi-Hua Wu, Tauer Perfumes, Cuqui Jerez, Pablo Jobin and Comédie de Genève team. Production: La Ribot - Genève. Coproduction: Festival d’Automne à Paris, Les Spectacles vivants – Centre Pompidou - Paris, Ruhrtriennale – Essen / PACT Zollverein – Essen, La Bâtie-Festival de Genève and Bonlieu Scène nationale Annecy in the context of the PACT projet, beneficiary of FEDER, with the program INTERREG IV A France-Suisse. With the collaboration of Comédie de Genève, La Casa Encendida de Madrid & la Casa de Cultura de la UAEMéx de Tlalpan / Teatro Línea de Sombra de Mexico DF. With the support of Fondation Leenaards (Lausanne) and Ernst Göhner Stiftung (Zug). La Ribot is supported by Ville de Genève, République et canton de Genève and Pro Helvetia - Swiss Arts Council.

