
Show / Dance / Recreation LIVEstinguished is the recreation of DIEstinguished with Ballett Basel. This new version shifts the perspective on dance as an art of the ephemeral: as soon as movement arises, it vanishes. In DIEstinguished, the fleeting nature of dance pointed towards disappearance. LIVEstinguished sees it as an art of the living, in […]

Show / Dance / Recreation

LIVEstinguished is the recreation of DIEstinguished with Ballett Basel. This new version shifts the perspective on dance as an art of the ephemeral: as soon as movement arises, it vanishes. In DIEstinguished, the fleeting nature of dance pointed towards disappearance. LIVEstinguished sees it as an art of the living, in which extinction and emergence constantly coexist and unfold.


Direction, concept, choreography La Ribot Choreographic assistants Piera Bellato, Ludovico Paladini Dancers Ballett Basel Giacomo Altovino, Eva Blunno, Lydia Caruso, Lisa Horten-Skilbrei, Carlos Kerr Jr., Karat Kila, Dario Minoia, Jan Chris Pollert, Tana Rosás Suñé, Marina Sánchez Garrigós, Thalia Tulkens, Cheng-An Wu, Max Zachrisson Set design Victor Roy Original music Alexandre Babel Lighting design Daniel Demont Video technology Camilo De Martino Sound management Nicolas Houssin Technical direction Marie Prédour Executive producer Aude Martino Production and communication assistant Iris Obadia Administration Gonzague Bochud
